مذاب ها

یادگاری های بیقراری....

مذاب ها

یادگاری های بیقراری....

حرف های تنهایی 10

از پنجرهء اطاقش به بیرون می نگریست..... 

پیرمرد خنزر پنزر با نگاهی مشمئز کننده ،  


لبخندی مشمئز کننده تر میزد و جسدها را  


سوار بر گاری به گورستان میبرد.....

و گزمه در کوچه داد میزد که شهر امن و امان است...... 

و لکاته در امن شبهای شهر چه کارهایی که نمیکرد.....

و در پس این پنجره ها چه اتفاقاتی که نمی افتاد و 


 این بوف شوم و کور چه روز و شبهایی که بر شاخسار 


 زندگی  ننشسته بود!..... 

حالا دیگر مرجان ،باید عشقی  که در حسرت،  


جان باخت و خاموش شد را ،  


از زبان طوطی داش آکل بفهمد..... 


 و دیگر قطره اشک اش را  


چشم های همیشه خاموش داش آکل نمیبینند...... 

پهلوانی که یک عمر پشت ها را به خاک می مالید......

پشتش به بازوان پر توان عشق خم شد.....

زخم خنجرهای مکرر بر اندامش جوش خورد و ترمیم شد..... 

اما زخم عشق مرجان بر دلش هرگز.....

عاقبت عاشق جان داد.....

با زخم عمیقی از قمه..... 

و زخم کشنده ایی از عشقی پنهان 


 که بیانش پهلوان را رسوا میکرد و  


کتمانش همچون خوره ،  


روحش را میتراشید و میخراشید...........  


کجایی صادق ؟!..... 


دو پنجره ات اگر چه برای همیشه بسته شده اند...... اما ، 


آنچه را که دیدی ، برایمان به ارث گذاشتی...... 


و هرچه از این میراث خرج میکنیم ، تمام نمیشود. 


کجایی داش آکل ؟!.... 


مگر هر کسی که بر دل نشست ، رفتنی میشود؟!!!!!! 


من این را از گونه های خیس مرجان ، فهمیدم.....!!!!!!! 


       (حرف های تنهایی...... سایه روشن)

نظرات 16 + ارسال نظر
DIANA یکشنبه 1 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 16:15 http://diani.mihanblog.com

Now I want to talk about, what I suppose to. Society.
The word Society itself is a Latin word and was used to describe a relation or interaction among people.
Now let’s see what some famous dictionaries have described this word as.
Oxford dictionary has defined the word Society as: people in general, living together in communities and also as a particular community of people who share the same customs, laws, etc
Longman dictionaries’ definition of the word Society is: people in general, considered in relation to laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together.
As mentioned above, when a group of people get together and there is something among them all, which is called Rules and enable them to know their responsibilities and at the same time their rights, we can call them a society. Society is individuals living together and acting for the benefit of each other.
We human beings have been created in a way which are not able to live alone and by our owns. If you look back in history you won’t be able to find an individual who has lived by himself his or her entire life. People have different sorts of needs. They need someone to be with them .Human beings need to love and to be loved. To help and to be helped in difficulties. So as a result of that, today you see people who are living with each other and try to satisfy their own and others needs. These people are not necessarily like each other. They may be people of different tastes and desires. But they pursue a common interest or goal. Rules are very important in these groups, without them for sure, members face severe problems that may lead to destruction of that society .In a society people have the opportunity to gain what they can’t by their own. Every individual has a responsibility in a society, and if he/she refrains from doing them, it would have a direct impact on the rest of the society.
Some people describe Society as something which is alive. By alive they mean that it changes, grows and may die. We know that there are societies which after many years still exist, like Iran. Its history backs in thousands of years .It have faced many challenges , it has changed but still exists, more powerful than ever. But at the same time, there are societies which nothing is left of them any more today. Unity, culture, people who take responsibility, fair rules and good rulers are what keep a society together.

society provide various needs of people, and family can be considered as a small society where in which people learn about their responsibilities and rights and learn how to behave others and how to establish a relationship with them.
In a society people have mutual interests, shared institutions, and a common culture.To my understanding, society can be referred to a structural unit, an organization where similar kind of people gather, live, interact, share interests & ideas 

Now, I want talk about some questions which you too may have.
As human beings, what duties and what responsibilities do we have to our society and to our community, if any?
As humans, we have the responsibility to make sure that the needs of that society are being met. We can not solely rely on government, we should obey the law and never shy away from voicing disagreement, but we should never act out against the laws beyond peaceful protest or voting. We should respect ourselves, others, and the environment. We have the responsibility to try to improve society, what I mean by this, is if you ever see something unfair try to take a stand until what you think is fair has been done. With freedom of expression, come responsibilities.
The society's responsibility to the individual is to provide them support, education, health and care to shape them into a better individual.
What matters more, the needs of society or the rights and needs of individuals?
I believe the rights of individuals are important, but the needs of society are equally important .If we could find a way to balance those two, I think the world could be a much better place.
Individual rights and the rights of society are dependent on each other. We need to ensure a peaceful society, but not at the expense of individuals’ rights. If the needs of society are not met, people will turn to crime to survive. When people are truly free they can reach their full potential.
What would society look like if no one gave of their time to help others unless they were paid for it?
Imagine your brother says, "Help me wash my car."

You say, "How much will you pay me."

He says, "$10"

You reply, "I want $20."
It would be horrible.
Or imagine asking an old lady for a dollar before you held the door open for her? 
Do you think what kind of a society it might be where in which people expect to be paid for every thing they do?
We do little things all the time to help people. If we did not, the world would be a sad place. we know that in every each society there are people who do not need money to do something nice for others. We have a lot of them in our country .Actually most of Iranian are even keen to help others. That is how I see them, as generous, helpful people.
There is room for spiritual enlightened people to help, love, care for, guide and assist each other .It is our duty to strive to reach our highest human potential and to seek to help our brothers and sisters in their efforts as well
Another question is what happens to the society when people start to cheat the laws?
If so the laws would be meaningless, and therefore, no one would follow them. They would lose respect for the judicial system, and government. It results in a breakdown of society and rule of law. I guess in the worst case scenario, society would collapse into anarchy until groups could restructure and reorganize society. Having rational laws would at least make good people not cheat them. Then only true criminals would.
Now I want to name some terms which have been used with the word Society.
Open societies
Religious societies
Secret societies
Consumer societies
Modern societies
Indigenous societies
Polite societies
Multi-cultural societies
And at last western society and eastern societies

Now concerning the last one the question is

What is the core difference between the culture of western society and eastern society?
We may say

1)eastern culture emphasize more on family values and in western it holds a little value and they think it is against personal freedom.
2)eastern culture is more religious than western.
3)technology has more impact on western culture
4)eastern culture has more moral values
5)eastern culture is little bit static as external changes has little impact while western is more dynamic
6) Western society education system is based on practical elements and students can be creative but in eastern ones they are more based one memorization and theories.

What are some inequalities in a society? How do we start as a society to stop crime and drugs etc?

Social class! Wealth inequalities! Inequality in power, information, life chances. Nationality or ethnic origin can mention.
You can ask why some people have multiple homes and others have none.
 Crime has existed since the beginning of society, and there is no possible way to ever eliminate it completely. But it can be reduced.

We can name some other problems of a society as Street gangs, bikers, rednecks, religious cults, violence, divorce, teenagers leaving their babies in trash cans, drugs, wars, over crowded jails, car jacking, robberies, rapes and racist group. Some may clash with, any and all outsiders for food, water, and control. 
 Some commit crimes because they need money to pay rent and child support and the water bill and the heat bill. Some also been told for years that they're useless burdens to society. Some follow the example of those who have the most money and the biggest mouth! For example, of the issue of gay marriage. In some countries people are FORCED to accept this abomination of immorality for whatever reason, and if they do not, they are told you are the bad guys.
Also, in the absence of God there is evil, if everyone would look up to God more often then I can guarantee that the crime rate would drop significantly.
Now for a break I want to mention the question a young man has asked his classmates.
I'm sick of society and would like to live by myself in the middle of nowhere. How much money do I have to accumulate for this to be a realistic endeavor?
One has answered the question in this way:
I've done it with two thousand when I was twenty one but I was strong then. 

Lasted two years in the wilderness before the pain of lonely overwhelmed me.

Some one else has picked on an interesting point to answer the question.

WHY would you need money if you decide to become a hermit? That would mean you would have to live close enough to society in order to use that money - and you would no longer be a hermit.

Yes people can not live without each other and if you try it, it won’t last for a long time.

The purpose of society is for each individual to join for mutual support and protection and to see what they each can get out of it for themselves.
At last we can say societies are made of institutions like Family, Education, Religion, Government and Economics.

What is important to me is trying to live an honest and good life by following the infinite wisdom of God.
To end my essay I want to mention a beautiful saying concerned with the topic which reads:
“Society lives by faith, and develops by science." 

For further research, there is a question that those who are interested can fallow and that is :

Is it true that a sheltered society is the one that thinks for itself, and a society connected to others loses its sense of self? Do we lose creative minds and individual ideas as we become more and more one society connected across the world? Do we gain characteristics from others instead of creating our own?.

یه مقاله نوشتم خواستم نظرتون رو درباره اش بدونم
چون به نظرم این نظرات شما کار ساز میتونه باشه
و اگر ایرادی به نظرتون اومد خوشحال میشم که در
جریانم بذارین

دیانا جان .....
اگه میشه لطف کن نرجمه مقاله ات را برایم بنویس تا در موردش نظر بدم ، متأسفانه من مثل شما بر زبان انگلیسی تسلط ندارم.

DIANA یکشنبه 1 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 16:20 http://diani.mihanblog.com

امیدوارم در بهترین حال ممکن باشین
این میلاد با سعادت رو به شما تبریک میگم
با ۴۰حدیث از حضرت رسول بروزم
خوشحال میشم اگه افتخار وجودتون رو داشته باشم

ممنونم دیانا جان....
بچشم می آیم.

مریم یکشنبه 1 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 21:26 http://arameshesefid.blogfa.com

مریم هستم و گلجون خانم وبلاگ قبلی ادرس شما رو نداشتم کلی زیر و رو کردم وبلاگها رو تا پیداتون کردم و خوشحالم این کتاب رو خوندم و پابه پاینرگس و داش اکل زار زدم بار اولسال ۵۶ خوندم هنوزم عشق های انچنانی وجود دارند؟نمیدونم کاش باشه و جوانها طعم عشق حقیقی رو لمس کنند

سلام مریم بانو.....
خیر مقدم ....
هنوز هم عشق های آنچنانی هست، مطمئن باش....
خوشحالم که در مذابها قدم رنجه کردید.
سپاس از حضورتان.

مریم دوشنبه 2 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 13:21 http://www.maryam7066.blogfa.com

سلام... خوبید شما؟قشنگ بود خیلی...

سلام مریم بانو ....

مکتوب دوشنبه 2 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 14:35 http://maktooob.blogsky.com

سپهر خان من با اجازه لینکت کردم

سلام مکتوب جان....
ممنونم برادر جان.
من هم با افتخار لینکت کردم.

سیمین دوشنبه 2 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 22:30

فلک چو دید سرم را اسیر چنبر عشق
ببست گردن صبرم بریسمان فراق

اشک مرجان ضمانت ماندگاری عشق است...
راستی خصوصیمو دیدی مذابها؟

سلام سیمین عزیز....
سپاس از حضورت...
خصوصی ات را دیدم ، اما باور کن که هر چه بوده عمدی نبود، و صد در صد اشتباهی رخ داده ، از همینجا اگر قصوری از مذاب ها سر زده ، از صمیم قلب از شما معذرت میخواهم.

سیمین دوشنبه 2 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 22:51

سپهر عزیز وبلاگ دختر مردابی حذف شده؟یا خودش حذفش کرده؟
خیلی شوکه شدم!!!اگه خبری ازش داشتی لطفن به منم اطلاع بده.نگرانش شدم

متأسفانه دختر مردابی بصورت ناگهانی تنهایمان گذاشت و ما را در حسرت دلنوشته هایش تشنه گذاشت و وبلاگش را حذف کرد ، به چه دلیل ؟ نمیدانم ، اما امیدوارم باز گردد که دل برای نیلوفرانه هایش سخت تنگ است.

مرگ آرزو سه‌شنبه 3 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 08:25

زیبا بود تاثیر گذار
موفق باشی دوست عزیز.........

ممنونم دوست عزیز ، هم از حضورتان و هم از نظرتان.

دختر مردابی سه‌شنبه 3 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 08:48

و ما انگار در متن قصه داش آکل تکرار می شویم و هنوز چشم به دستان آن پیرمرد خنزر پنزر فروش داریم تا ببینیم از آشفته بازار کوچکش کدام تکه را به ما خواهد بخشید
و من هنوز بوف کور را در تمام داستان هایی که می خوانم امتداد می دهم تا یادم بماند که هدایت تکرار شدنی نیست

سلام سپهر عزیز
برای دوباره خواندنت خواهم آمد حتی بی دختر مردابی

سلام سمیه بانو عزیز.....
خوشحالم که هستی.....
و خوشحالم که باز هم از نظرهای زیبا و قابل تأملت مستفیض میشوم،
نبودنت ، خلأ بزرگیست در جمع دوستان ، امیدوارم که هرچه زودتر در تصمیمت تجدید نظر فرمایی و روشنی بخش محفلمان شوی.

ر ف ی ق سه‌شنبه 3 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 09:19 http://www.khoneyekhiyali.blogsky.com

عشق است و آتش وخون ... داغ است و درد دوری ... کی می توان نگفتن ... کی می توان صبوری ... عشق همیشه ی دنیا نقطه ی ضعف من بوده است ...

سلام دوست عزیز....
اگر از منظری دیگر به عشق بنگری ، نقطه قوتت میشود.
سپاس از حضورت دوست عزیز.

فرخ سه‌شنبه 3 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 09:42 http://chakhan-2.blogsky.com

سلام ... فیلتر شده ... دختر مردابی را میگویم .
سرش شلوغ است . اما دوباره آغاز خواهد کرد .

سلام فرخ عزیز....
فیلتر نشده....
خودش خواسته بود که دیگر نباشد....
امیدوارم نبودنش همیشگی نباشد....

فرداد سه‌شنبه 3 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 13:59 http://ghabe7.blogsky.com

سلام سپهر
در زندگی درد هاییست...
و من در این فکرم که چرا گونه های خیس مرجان رو نمی بینم...
شاید باران...
شاید اشک...
داش آکل اگه بود هم تنها بود....
....در زندگی دردهاییست....

سلام فرداد جان.....
همان زمان هم ، خیلی ها گونه های خیس مرجان ها را ندیدند.....

کوروش چهارشنبه 4 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 14:10 http://korosh7042.blogsky.com

سپهر جان
در بر این پستت نظری دادم و نمی بینم
نکند خطا می کنم

مذاب ها شنبه 7 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 08:12 http://mozabha.blogsky.com

کوروش جان
هفته گذشته نظرت را خواندم ، پاسخش را نیز دادم ، اما متأسفانه بجای تآیید بر روی حذف کلیک کردم ، از همینجا معذرت میخوام ،
و اما پاسخ شما دوست گرانقدرم: گاهی حقیقت آنچیزی نیست که ما میبینیم ، و فکر میکنیم حقیقت همان واقعیتی است که میبینیم.....
و گاهی همان حرفهایی که ما عمری فرو میخوریم شان ، عاقبت ما را میخورند.....
کوروش جان امیدوارم در این دوجمله توانسته باشم مفهم متنم را رسونده باشم دوست عزیز.

کوروش دوشنبه 9 اسفند‌ماه سال 1389 ساعت 13:52 http://korosh7042.blogsky.com

سلام بر سپهر نیل گون دریا و آسمان

درود بر تو
کم پیدا بودی عزیز؟

امید که همیشه شاد و باشی و سربلند

در ضمن سپاس گذار از پاسخت نازنین

سلام کوروش جان.....
همیشه رسم بر این است که شاگرد به دست بوسی استاد آید.....
ببخش اگر در وظیفه ام گهگاه قصوری سر میزند..... بزرگواری از شما.....شرمندگی اش برای من.....
سپاس از حضورت برادر جان.

سهبا شنبه 20 فروردین‌ماه سال 1390 ساعت 13:06 http://sayehsarezendegi.blogsky.com/

هر آنچه بر دل نشست ، نشسته است نشستنی ! و هر آنچه ماندنی است ، خواهد ماند بر صفحه دل !
قصه داش آکل ، قصه مهجوریت عشق است در زمانه نامرادیهای کنون ! که اگر عشق هست ، عاشق یا معشوقش راستین نیستند و اگر آنها به ظاهر هستند ، عشقی وجود ندارد !

باز خوش به حال مرجان که با قصه داش آکل ماندنی شد برای همیشه !

سلام سهبا عزیز...

هر آنچه بر دل نشست ، نشسته است نشستنی !

واقعا" همینطوره که گفتی خواهر بزرگوارم....

برای نمایش آواتار خود در این وبلاگ در سایت Gravatar.com ثبت نام کنید. (راهنما)
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